It's been a while since my last blog post. No particular reason just been very busy at work and it's been too hot to spend any length of time on the computer -I know, I know - that's no excuse! Anyway since my last update there's been selling at Saddleworth Show, a work's night out and a nice walk.
Saddleworth Show was an amazing event once again. We did this last year, and the sun shone and there was record attendance. When we got the booking form at the end of last year we immediately booked our stalls for this year. The weather forecast wasn't great but the sun shone for us in the morning and then there was torrential rain in the afternoon which meant the event ended an hour early. Takings were still good considering the bad weather, not as good as last year but still worth going. I would recommend this event to any craft sellers out there. The contact is
I went on a work's night out in Manchester's Northern Quarter the other week which was a great success. Free bar and free food - result! There was a great turn out, no surprise, and everyone had fun - some more than others! I got home around 4am which is very late for me (usually in bed at 10pm!) It took me all of the next day to recover - and I swore, as I always do, to never drink again! I lasted until the following day!!
Walking has been somewhat minimal due to the weather being so hot. Last weekend we drove over to Ashford-in-the-Water which is a beautiful little village just outside Bakewell. The walk took us up to Monsal Head, which is a famous beauty spot with a magnificent view down Monsal Dale and up the Wye valley, then across the viaduct over the river. It was about 5.5 miles and took around 3.5 hours. The weather was perfect for walking but sadly we made it back to the village just after the pub had closed!
So there we are - not much has happened really! July appears to be a busier month socially as we celebrate out 2nd Wedding Anniversary and we have friends visiting from the this space!
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Monday, 31 May 2010
A Bank Holiday Stroll
Approx 7 miles to be more specific! We live on the outskirts of Saddleworth and Dovestones Reservoir is a popular haunt for lots of local people on a weekend. The walk around the 2 reservoirs is lovely and quite challenging in itself, but we decided to go one step further!! The walk took us up the steep path to Chew Reservoir, very hard going but eventually we made it to the top to see a very empty looking reservoir! We then walked a fair way along the edge of Saddleworth moorland with spectacular views of Dovestones and Yeoman Hey Reservoirs below. We passed brave rock climbers along the way... rather them than me! Eventually we started to descend down towards Dovestones again. 4 hours later and we arrive back at the car, very hot, tired but feeling a huge sense of achievement to look up and see where we'd been. A recommended circuit for any keen walkers out there.
Check out the photos here
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Made to Order
Had a couple of special requests for cards in the last week or so. Thought it would be nice to share them with you.
This one was made for one of my friends. His friend is celebrating the anniversary of her hip replacement today.
This one was for my neighbour who's daughter has just had a baby girl.
This one was made for one of my friends. His friend is celebrating the anniversary of her hip replacement today.
This one was for my neighbour who's daughter has just had a baby girl.
Somerset Photos
Thought you'd like to see some of the photos I took whilst down in Somerset this week. Click on the link below. Please let me know what you think.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
The Sun Has Got His Hat On
Wow how hot is it this weekend!! Yesterday was spent doing the housework and the food shopping in the morning then a leisurely afternoon sat in the garden. We made the mistake of polishing off a whole bottle of Pims, which seemed like a good idea at the time. One jug just wasn't enough so we made a second. It was hard work getting to the end of it.... I can still taste it now!
Today will be mostly spent in the garden and packing. Tomorrow we head down to Somerset for a few days. We are staying in Doniford Bay just outside Watchet. Exmoor is a wonderful part of Britain and is where I've taken a few trips when I lived in the South West. It'll be lovely to return to that part of the country. We haven't been back that way since we moved north 3 years ago, a decision which was made due to circumstance rather than choice. I think we'd both love to move back down there.... maybe one day!
Anyway as I type I can feel this room getting hotter and hotter and a cold shower is called for. Sure there will be many photographs added to my blog on my return.
Have a wonderful week and enjoy the sunshine!! x
Friday, 14 May 2010
5 Whole Years
I met my husband 5 years ago today and thought it would be nice to write how I remember that day.
I remember it like it was only yesterday. It was a blind date (through Dating Direct) and we met up in a pub in Bristol at 1pm. I was a bit early and was waiting outside for him but really wasn't sure who I was looking out for - had only seen a photograph. I'd been waiting about 10 mins, getting a bit worried that I'd been stood up, then he rang saying he was just parking the car... about 5 mins later he turned up, looking very sweaty from running and quite nervous. My initial thoughts were phwoar... he's a bit of alright!! Anyway in we went and as we were both driving we drank copious amounts of coke. We talked and talked and seemed to have loads in common. After a couple of hours we decided to have something to eat... and we both had scampi and chips! After eating we decided it would be better for one of us to ditch a car...I ditched my car and then we went to another pub close to my house - it was nice that I could finally have a drink (large red wine!), certainly helped me loosen up a bit. The evening ended and he dropped me off home at midnight.... we laugh about our 11 hour first date because prior to that we'd both had disastrous blind dates, some that only lasted 20 mins!! We had a fantastic date and I hope when we're in our 70's we'll still remember it like it was yesterday! And yes we kissed on the first date... and it was me who made the move!!
Love You Hunny x
Saturday, 8 May 2010
More Superheroes...
Thought I'd share with you my latest Superhero cards... yes that's right I've been back to the craft shop to buy more supplies. I love these cards although cutting around their crotch is not easy!!
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Flippin Stamping
I've been doing a lot of rubber stamping lately and as Father's Day's not too far away I'm loving the "Flippin" range of stamps... they are really detailed and look great when coloured in. My colouring in leaves a lot to be desired, been a few years since I last did any, but getting better and enjoying it! Here are a couple of cards I've made recently - let me know what you think.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Capesthorne Hall
We've been to Capesthorne Hall today, mainly to check out the Craft & Gift Fair but also because the hall and grounds are fabulous. Got there quite early so had a quick mooch around the fair, had a chat with Wendy from 1st Unique Gifts then we had a wander around the gardens. Weather not too bad, bit cold and windy but rain held back until we got back to the beer tent - perfect timing!! Had a Pims Cocktail in the tent then back into the fair to buy a couple of bits.... a lovely plaque from Wendy and a lovely card from Sally Ann Lambert. I've started to enjoy our days out since recently taking up photography. I was getting fed up with standing around waiting for my hubby to take the perfect picture - decided I might has well have a go too. I only have a point and snap camera but it's not bad. Here are a few photos....
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Who's Your Favourite Superhero??
Everyone has their favourite Superhero right?? Mine is Wonder Woman - always loved watching her as a child, admiring her fabulous outfit and her hair... wow!!
Whilst in the craft shop yesterday I found the most wonderful decoupage sheets so I bought them and been busy this afternoon creating these:-
The Batman card is my favourite but would love to know what you think!! They are blank inside so perfect for Father's Day or a Birthday. These can be purchased in my Folksy Shop and it's FREE POSTAGE until Father's Day!!!
Friday, 30 April 2010
My Craft Room
Thought it would be nice to show you where I do my creating.... one of our loft rooms is a shared office - my side is as per the pics and hubby has a desk and a computer on the opposite wall which isn't very tidy today and he would kill me for showing you pics of his desk when it's a mess - it's usually pristene!!
Anyway as you can see I have most of the space and managed to get the best side of the room. It's lovely when the sun shines through the window - bit dull today though. It does get very warm up here though so most of the time the window's wide open!! There is always music playing and when my choice is on, hubby has his headphones on!! Madonna is on as I type.... and hubby not here so it's on really loud!!
I try to keep it tidy but when I'm creating theres stuff everywhere and every drawer and cupboard is open - only been packaging today so not too bad.
Day Off So Far
Well I was wide awake at 7.15am when hubby left for work, so he made me a lovely cup of tea.. bless him. I stayed in bed for a bit reading The Lovely Bones, which I'm loving so far! Hairdressers at 10am - I love having my hair done and it was well overdue - black (and some grey) roots are not a good look!! Out of the hairdressers by 12noon then into Tesco to pick up tonight's dinner, our favourite Old El Paso Fajitas and 2 bottles of wine - yum! Then took my car to a garage to get a quote to fix all the bumps and bruises.... ouch!! Craft shop next and boughts lots and lots of fab things - I sometimes don't find the right bits to buy but this time look at what I bought!!! I will have so much fun with this lot - I see lots of Father's Day Cards!!
Back home and on with the chores, so far bed changed, washing up done, bed linen in washing machine, bins emptied and now I'm blogging!! It's not quite the relaxing day off I had planned and don't know where the time's gone but hey I'm happy!!
Thursday, 29 April 2010
A Long Weekend
I'm taking a well deserved day off from work tomorrow to give me a 4 day weekend - yay!! I've had a very busy and stressful week at work, which wasn't helped by someone reversing into the side of my car yesterday in Asda! The only plans I have so far are to get my hair cut and coloured at 10am tomorrow, then take my car to the spay garage to get a quote to fix all the bumps and bruises on it. The rest of the weekend will be ad-lib! I prefer to be spontaeous!! I hope to get lots of crafting done over the weekend as the weather forecast isn't great.... my crafting has suffered due to the beautiful sunshine...I'm an outdoors, sun-worshipping kinda gal!
Monday, 26 April 2010
At Last a Sale on Folksy!!
Yippee after months of waiting and constant plugging I today sold a card on Folksy.... this is my 3rd sale since opening the shop!! My free postage offer has obviously been making it's way around the grape vine!! It's such a nice feeling when you sell something - I know I am probably a tad over-excited but it's been a long time coming!!
This is the card I sold
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Because the weather is so nice and I'm feeling super-generous I have decided not to reinstate the postage in my folksy shop. I will put it back on eventually (probably when the rain comes) but for now make the most of my generosity and buy lots of my beautiful cards !!!
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
I've extended the FREE POSTAGE offer in my folksy shop until 6pm on Friday so hurry, take full advantage
Folksy Shop
Folksy Shop
Monday, 19 April 2010
Following my fast forward into the 21st century move this weekend I went in search of old mobile phones and found 4 old phones - which considering they weren't that old were considerably different to what I've got now! I've kept 1 of them (the least valuable) just in case the new phone goes wrong, or gets thrown across the room in a temper...which is quite likely! I did a comparison to find out who would give me the most money for my old rope, which turned out to be these guys. Phones were packaged up and posted off today.... will await the arrival of a cheque for just over £100... woohoo!!!
Do your bit for the environment and make a bit of cash while you're at it..
Do your bit for the environment and make a bit of cash while you're at it..
Sunday, 18 April 2010
I've entered the 21st Century - at last!!
Today I was able to upgrade my mobile phone contract. Rather than do it online we visited the O2 shop - with the hope that they could solve a dilemma. You see I was absolutely, totally, 100% decided I was getting an iPhone, then hubby came home and told me about the new Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 - and this threw me. I did loads of research and it looked great but I just couldn't decide whether to jump onto the iPhone bandwagon or be original and get something completely different. The manager in the shop couldn't really help, he knew loads about the iPhone but nothing about this one... so it was left up to me, and I was in the shop secretly doing an eeny, meeny, miny mo..... and guess which one I walked out of the shop with???
**My New Phone**
**My New Phone**
Monday, 12 April 2010
Just went topless for the first time this year.. woohoo!!
Not really but my car did, love this weather!!
Not really but my car did, love this weather!!
It's Hotting Up
It's really scarey how quick the year is flying by. Doesn't seem long since we had all that snow and look it's April already and the weather is lovely! Just spent the weekend getting the garden tidied and planted up ready for the dry, hot summer that we're gonna get... well I can hope! I love it when the sun is shining and I can spend time outside enjoying my garden. I only have a small garden but I have grass, trees and borders, even have room for patio furniture and my cat loves it when he can sprawl out on the grass!!
I really hope to get more use out of my barbeque this year.... already noticed there was a lack of barbeque food in the supermarkets this weekend!!
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Free Postage for Folksy
To celebrate the beautiful sunny weather we are having at the moment I am offering free postage on every card in my Folksy Shop - FOR ONE WEEK ONLY!!
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Misi v Folksy v Etsy
There seems to be an ongoing debate in the craft world at present... which online retail outlet is the best for selling your wares??
Having just launched my website I am seriously thinking whether to sell direct from there rather than relying on other online retailers. If I can direct enough traffic to my website then maybe I will be able to migrate.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
Craft For Life

I'm doing my bit for Cancer Research UK.
All you have to do is craft an A6 card, any theme, using products of your choice and leave the inside blank. Then pop down to your local Cancer Research shop and pick up a few of their special cello bags. Pop in your finished card then either sell to friends and family for £1 or give back to the shops to re-sell. Every little helps!! Why not join in....
I've done 3 cards already and working on another 3 - then they'll be taken back to the shop for them to re-sell for £1 each. I may even pick up some more cello bags and make more!
For details see
New Order
My next door neighbour buys a lot of cards off me and usually she wants cards that are personalised. She posted a note through the door the other day asking me to do her a card for a new baby boy that was born over the weekend... and here is it!
Wonder what her next request will be, she apparently has lots of new babies in the pipeline!
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